Mediation Practice Series - Supporting a National Dialogue
2016. Author: Jonathan Harlander and The Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue
There is no blueprint for a national dialogue. A wide variety of national dialogues have been organised, with diverse mandates, rules of procedure, compositions and outcomes. This diversity reflects the unique political experience and needs of the society and state for which they are designed. This Mediation Practice Series paper will seek to provide concrete examples in order to identify key factors of success for a national dialogue and prepare third parties for the challenges that they might face in supporting such processes. Facilitators and stakeholders should however keep in mind that a national dialogue is not a ‘one- size-fits-all solution’, nor a solution in itself. Other options exist for state reforms or transitions and the enthusiasm for national dialogues which followed the Arab Spring should not hide the fact that such processes are useful only in particular contexts and, if inadequate, can do more harm than good.
- Dialogue Process
- Guidance/Handbooks/Training