National Peace and Dialogue Structures - Strengthening the Immune System from Within instead of Prescribing Antibiotics

2012. Author: Hannes Siebert, Berghof Foundation

In this article, the author reflects on the role of external actors in supporting infrastructures for peace, and presents some pitfalls of interventionist approaches. He builds on his experience working with peace infrastructures in different countries (Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and South Africa) to highlights some good practice examples where they have received external support. He concludes by underlining the opportunities and limitations of these “peace and dialogue structures” for transforming violent conflicts.

This paper is part of the Berghof Dialogue series on infrastructures for peace. In this article, the author responds to Ulrike Hopp-Nishanka’s views in “Giving Peace an Address? Reflections on the Potential and Challenges of Creating Peace Infrastructures”.

  • Lebanon , Sri Lanka , South Africa , Nepal
  • Africa , Asia Pacific , Arab States
  • Infrastructures for Peace , Dialogue Process
  • Research/Lessons Learned

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