SDG Progress - Fragility, crisis and leaving no one behind
2018. Author: ODI
This report highlights one left-behind group that has received too little attention: people caught in crisis. These people – those living in conflict, and those who are displaced within their own countries or across borders – often fall through the cracks of different authorities’ responsibilities or are explicitly excluded by governments in their national and sectoral plans. Without the concerted efforts of the international community to address the needs of people caught in crisis and to measure the impact of this support, we will not achieve the SDGs for all, and the gap between this marginalised group and the rest of the world will grow. This report aims to prepare the ground in the lead up to the September 2019 HLPF – also known as the SDG Summit. It identifies the gaps in SDG progress for fragile and conflict-affected states, highlights the challenges and opportunities for meeting the SDGs for people caught in crisis and makes recommendations for further action – both in terms of preparation ahead of the September 2019 HLPF meeting and commitments to be made at the meeting itself.
- Conflict Prevention
- Research/Lessons Learned