Women nowadays do anything- Women’s role in conflict, peace and security in Yemen
2017. Author: Marie-Christine Heinze, Marwa Baabbad and Saferworld
This report brings to the fore the voices of women in the two governorates of Ibb and Aden, to better understand their lived experiences of the conflict in Yemen. It also highlights different ways through which women are contributing to community cohesion, and highlights opportunities to support their role in peacebuilding. Conducted in collaboration with the Center for Applied Research in Partnership with the Orient (CARPO) and the Yemen Polling Center (YPC), with the support of the National Foundation for Development and Humanitarian Response (NFDHR) and Wogood for Human Security, this report, which is based on qualitative field research, presents women’s stories of the conflict, highlights the strength of their actions and outlines ways to enhance their roles as peacebuilders.
- Arab States
- Women in Peacebuilding
- Research/Lessons Learned